Monday, September 19, 2016

Great Cthulhu

Great Cthulhu was essentially the one major fuckup of existence. It (he, she, whatever) resided in another universe until Vecna got very desperate and opened a portal to the -------- (where -------- is your unspeakable word of choice). 

Nobody does that shit, ever. For very good reason.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sun, Moon, and Gribbly Things: Part 1

The Past
The past used to be a perfectly normal fantasy world. Then Armageddon happened. More on that later. 

After Armageddon, three gods emerged as survivors. Those gods now have an uneasy detente a la 1950's Cold War. Early enough for some Red Scares, but not early enough for the tension to become routine.

10,000 Chambers of the Cnite King

Deep within the turgid reaches of the Samarkand Desert, a lone crag of withered sandstone presents a visage long scoured by time.  Samuele B...